
日期:2020年04月06日 20:29    来源:

4月2日,重庆医科大学的孟加拉籍来华留学生MOHAMMAD ARMAN HOSSAIN在《中国日报》发表了题为 《People, countries must come together to fight virus》(各国人民必须团结起来抗击病毒) 的文章。他表示,在全球遭受新冠肺炎沉重打击的最艰难时刻,希望通过这篇文章,呼吁世界各国应该像中国一样,团结一致、互帮互助,为抗击全球疫情作出应有的贡献。

据了解,MOHAMMAD ARMAN HOSSAIN是我校2017级留学生,他作为中国政府奖学金生在我校攻读泌尿外科学硕士学位。


People, countries must come together to fight virus


In early January, when China was affected by coronavirus, some countries were so focused on China they forgot to take preventive measures themselves. We know prevention is better than cure. China is now almost recovered, and has started helping other countries with medical equipment and expertise. All suffering countries are looking to China to learn how to deal with this situation.


Like China, all people of all countries should do what they can to handle this tough time, in most cases simply by staying home. This virus is so contagious that even one infected person in any corner of the world could cause another spread. So now is the time for all countries of the world to come forward and work together. You can see what happens when people and countries are forced to fend for themselves: people hoard necessary goods and create a shortage in supermarkets.


There is a lack of medical equipment and other necessary items in hospitals. This can be sorted out if all come together to help out. Effort from everyone can make a big difference. Along with medical workers and authorities, if everyone can do something to help affected people, things will be easier. More volunteers are needed in some countries, and the young generations here can join and become role models.


Last but not least, thanks to the honorable President Xi Jinping, government of People’s Republic of China, and the people of China for their kindness, unconditional love and effort for the rest of the world, without which the situation would become more dangerous.


来源:“重庆外事”微信公众号  《重庆与世界》杂志 贺煜

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